Hey all! Am back again. Was too occupied with SCJP (Sun Certified Java Programmer). Managed to pass the exam with 69/72, that's about 95.83%. Feeling relaxed and relieved. Partying with Darpan (my cousin).
Meanwhile lot of things happened. Is it? I don't know what. I am just putting it this way to give you a feel that the world was not sitting idle while I was studying. I hardly have any idea of what happened.
Again, just writing because I felt like, nothing more to it. Will be writing more in coming days. Although have loads of work , but will manage to update you with some good stuff.
Stay Tuned!
congs man!!! uv always bin a genius.. :D
@malyaj: thanks dude :)
sorry..I was just experimenting with the comments above..the message was "I have never seen someone securing 95.83% in SCJP"..real tribute..congratulations again
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